How do you make an annual event better and better, year after year?
Never stop reinventing.
Agency: Drury Design
Lights, cameras, live in 3, 2, 1…
For INSIGHT 2021, we took a behind-the-scenes approach to NetApp’s most in-the-spotlight moment of the year. Think “30 Rock” meets “The Office”, with Whitney Cummings as our host and Sting as our legendary musical performer. In this clip, I’m playing the Creative Director for the show (quite a stretch, I know).
Let’s get the party started.
Every great event needs a great opener. I had the opportunity to write the script and storyboard for INSIGHT all three years I was at NetApp. This example is from INSIGHT 2020, where we actually launched the new brand and brought our new messaging, positioning, and personality to life for the first time.
What’s Italian, red all over, and always in pole?
Every year, we went to great lengths to balance customers, partners, thought leadership, executive communications…and sponsorships. And when you have sponsorships like Ducati MotoGP and Aston Martin Formula One, why wouldn't you make them a major focus. This segment is from INSIGHT 2021.